I am a VFX artist located in Bend, OR. For the majority of my sixteen year career I have worked in feature animation, but over the past few years I have made the transition to real time visual effects. I am currently working full time on games at Striking Distance Studios. Thanks for stopping by and please enjoy a sampling of my work! - Bob

The Callisto Protocol

TCP is my first AAA game title. My main tasks were liquids, snow, and the ever evolving holograms/echoes/echograms, but I also worked on sparks, weapon impacts, gore, and even insects. I really enjoy the immediacy of real time. There’s not a lot of breaks waiting for renders which is a nice change of pace. Check the Vimeo comments for specifics on what I worked on in each shot.


Feature Animation

This reel spans most of my career in feature animation. I got some old favorites as well as my most recent film work. I wrote a detailed caption on Vimeo describing the various clips if you are curious, or you can just slam the play button here and watch it tiny. Enjoy!

For a full showcase of my feature work, click the Features tab.